Plan A Garage Sale
The key to a successful garage sale is having a PLAN and.. planning the sale in advance.The best planning begins a month before the sale...
Garage Sale Plan
Step 1 - Get Organised
Start by deciding on a date at least 30 days in advance. Weekends are best for obvious reasons, but avoid long weekends when people go away. Check that no other community or local events are on the same date.
Step 2 - Contact Council
Obtain permission [if required] to have a garage sale. Every council has by-laws covering garage sales and they will advise any relevant criteria.
Step 3 - Residents Invitation
Prepare an invitation to announce details of the sale for your neighbours in case they want to join in. Remember it's a numbers game, the more the merrier (and they will tell their friends).
Deliver the invites to each residence in the street. Consider non-English residents by translating the invitation into alternative languages. Your local council or library will be able to assist.
Step 4 - Promotion
The success will largely depend on how many people come to your sale.
- Distribute flyers - Local shops, council, library, shopping centre, community and sporting groups.
- Advertise [free] - Local newspapers and magazines [events].
- Online guides and directories.
- Signs/Balloons/Streamers - Buy
- Advertise: start at
Here we have answered frequently asked questions about garage sales.
Sale Checklist
- Clean up the house, attic, shed, garage, car and put all the items for sale in one place, because on the day it's a relatively easy job to bring it out and not forget anything.
- It's a good idea to have an approximate selling price for each item at least in your head. You don't have to show the price on every item, keeping in mind on the more expensive things you will be able to engage in conversation and a little bit of haggling.
- Give the sales area a spruce-up and consider how you will display the items for sale. Will they be on the ground [consider a drop sheet or blanket], tables, bookshelves, steps, clothes racks, fences.
On the day - [sellers]
- Make sure all items are clean and well displayed.
- Hang clothes where possible.
- Group items together: electrical, books, clothes, tools etc.
- A couple of balloons on the front fence or gate helps direct people to your sale.
- Secure rear access: back doors, gates and windows.
- When everything is ready.. time to put out signs starting with the house, end of street and nearby streets and roads (ie: all roads lead to your place).
Hang signs, balloons and streamers on the front fence/gate, nearby streets and roads. Arrows show people the way.
Signs not only help people find you but alert people on the day! Signs should include: GARAGE SALE (large letters), Address (small letters below), Arrow. Having multiple signs with arrows pointing right and left will make the job easier when hanging them. Tying a couple of balloons below the sign is highly recommended.
Garage Sale Sign -
Must do: Take down all signage / balloons / streamers when the sale has finished. People have been fined for not removing signs from poles.
Don't forget to take them down at the end of the sale.
Early Birds - [buyers]
- Expect early buyers, often professional Dealers & Buyers - The most common complaints are about dealers and professional buyers calling before the start date/time, pressure haggling and buying.
Demand they return after the start time. Be sound and resolute of your selling price as professionals know exactly what items are worth and will attempt to make you drop your price.
Top Tips
- Make sure you have enough change [coins and notes].
- Make arrangements for pets during the sale.
- Keep your house locked and the keys with you.
- Keep rearranging goods throughout the sale.
- Be a friendly seller but let buyers have their own space.
- Put on your alarm clock the night before.
Pricing - [sellers]
Remember to be practical when pricing items. Forget the original cost and evaluate what the item is worth today. Do your homework before pricing valuable items. eBay is always a good place to find like-for-like items and give you a good indication of what your item is worth.
Be ready to negotiate.

G.S.T implications?
GST (Goods and Services Tax) is a broad-based tax of 10% on most goods, services and other items sold or consumed in Australia. Providing you are not an "enterprise" [defined in the legislation] you do not need to register for GST. The ATO has advised Australians that "private sales by registered or unregistered people, such as at a garage sale, are not subject to GST".
Contact the Australian Taxation Office ("ATO") or a taxation advisor for information on the GST. The Australian Tax Office can be contacted at the following address:
After The Sale
You're not quite finished just yet...
- Close the sale at the pre-planned time
- Pack up unsold items*
- Take down and collect all signage / balloons / streamers from your property and area.
- Dinner - you will be tired (if not exhausted) and unlikely to feel like cooking.
- Total Up - count the money and see how much you have made for the day.
- Clean up - place unwanted items and rubbish in the bin.
* Unsold items - if all you do is pack the unsold items into boxes, then they will be there the same time next year. Make a decision prior to sale what will happen to unsold items and it will often be the difference between a good sale and a great sale.
Firstly, if you decide on a price for an item and it doesn't sell, what next? If you also have a plan B price for the more expensive items, then you can invite interested customers to return later in the day just in case the item doesn't sell.
Alternately, you could choose to donate unsold items to a charity.
Street Garage Sale
A Street Garage Sale is where multiple addresses have a sale on the same day. Multiple sales attract more buyers than one sale.
Sure, you can hold just your sale, but consider inviting your neighbours to also hold a sale on the same date. More sales means more interest, meaning more potential customers.
Try contacting a few neighbours to gauge their reaction. We did many years ago and was surprised to find many neighbours wanted to join in.
We happily accept suggestions and comments, so please contact us.
How To Have An A+ Garage Sale - Cassandra Rosas how to plan, organize and promote your sale.