When To Hold A Garage Sale?

Important! Important! Important!

The date of the sale is one of the most important decisions.

Consider the following when deciding on the 'date'..

  • Availability: You have to be available on the date (not working, on holiday etc) and at least one or two days before the sale to get everything together.

  • $$$: Best time of the year, financially.

  • Weekends: 99% of sales are held on weekends.

  • Holidays: Avoid public holidays and long weekends (when people go away).

  • Weather: Summer is the best time of the year.

  • Rain: Announce a 'if it rains' message.  ie Sale on rain hail or shine OR cancelled if raining.

  • Nighbours: Consider asking neighbours to have a joint sale (more the merrier)

Importantly, have fun!
Gazzas Garage Sales
Gazzas Garage SalesGazzas Garage Sales